How to find the standings for 2023/2024 Draft

Click the link on our home page.
Once on the website. Click the sign in tab.
Below where it asks for an email and password, in red writing. Is the link to enter as a guest into the pools.
Click the guest access link. When the next page appears, below the 2023/2024 Regular Season box, enter the pool name Kenastonsuperdraft32 or Kenastonsuperdraft8. Then in the password box, enter password=guest.
This will get you into the pools.
Find your team by filtering in the search box with your team name.

End of Season Information

For those, that won prize money from the 2023 Playoff Draft, it is in the mail.

If you wish to view, the entire Winner’s List, view it under the Winner’s Archives Tab. Click on it from the Home Page.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy summer, and stay tuned for our Regular Season Draft dates and information to come this fall!

Pool Names and Password for

The pool names are KenastonPlayoffSuperDraft32 or KenastonPlayoffSuperDraft8.

The password: guest

Use these for pool guest access on The page is a part of the Sign In Tab.

All final data entry and verification will be done by May 5, 2023. In the meantime, any inquiries can be asked, by emailing

2023 Playoff Form and Rules


Deadline is Friday, April 14, 2023 @ 11pm CST

The deadline was decided, before the 2 games on the 14th were scheduled.  One game was rescheduled do to a storm and one for a water break.  We can’t just change our dates, as they are approved by SLGA as a part of our license.